Love you to the moon and back

This is my daughter’s nightstand. 
Our lives have changed and the card on the nightstand is a reminder of a human being who gave us unconditional love and we were able to return that love... and it’s also a reminder of our loss and that our lives are forever changed. 
As much as I wish this isn’t our reality... I am leaning into my faith, I am leaning into the bigger plan and I am focusing on gratitude through tears. 
How lucky we are to have stood in his light and felt his love. 
The dish next to his mass card says “I love you to the moon and back” … forever, unending. I am reminded that love was what we exchanged when he was here and it doesn’t die with his body… its the only consistent and I am holding onto it.
#GratefulHeart #Love #Peace #MichaelsLove #JustOne

Elizabeth Long