A Little Love Goes a Long Way...

I have a practice, and belief system, that keeps me joyful, peaceful and grateful majority of my days. Even through our darkest hours it has provided me an opportunity to handle death and grief differently than my other premature losses that I’ve experienced. A choice I consciously made as I hung up the phone after taking to the coroner.
That said, yesterday was a hard day, I’ve had a couple of hard days recently. Ironically not Thanksgiving.
Yesterday I found myself in tears most of the day, missing my Irishman. After a long day of heavy grief I stopped by my friends house to get some remedies for this sickness I still have.
She has three beautiful children who have distinct personalities and are amazing in different ways:
A daughter who has a strength and passion about her that will change the world and all who know her... even in her little physical self she is magnificent.
A son who is gentle and wise with eyes that dance with joy.... truly, I can get lost in his little eyes as they speak to me sweetly.
Then her youngest has always been so intriguing to me... magnetic, fun, exciting, unpredictable, creative, a high vibrational almost “mad scientist” as he mumbles around me. I feel as if he knows all but is too small to step into it just yet. He knows.
I pulled myself together before going into her home but she knew my heart was heavy. As I’m sitting talking to her, sweet Georgie brings me this drawing. He knew.
It changed my whole evening, reminded me I never walk alone, that I have always been and am always deeply loved as I love in return... I just forgot, hence the sadness and smallness of my thinking and being.
The smallest act of love always has a profound impact... so act on it.
It’s never meaningless.
#MissingMichael #WidowsWords #LoveIsLove #Yes #GratefulHeart #Framily #BigBeautifulLife

Elizabeth Long