After a Storm There Is A Rainbow....

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of sharing how RAINBOWS FOR ALL CHILDREN impacted my life when I was 7.5 years old.
After losing my 16 year old brother this was a place I could go and be amongst peers to talk openly about the full range of emotions without worrying about further upsetting my Mom or hurting anyone’s feelings.
I was given tools to deal with these huge emotions and had space to just experience my loss without judgement and amongst kids who were also dealing with significant loss.
I found a place where I didn’t feel “different” and instead I found connection and community that I so deeply craved as I navigated his death.
The woman’s hand I am holding in this picture is someone who has weathered many storms with me and always stays by my side long enough to see the rainbow after the storm.
I’m so grateful for your friendship and for the work you do with Rainbows.
Rainbows is for kids who navigate loss through death, divorce, deployment, etc.
If you haven’t heard of it, please take a look and consider donating to ensure these support groups continue helping our littlest people:
#Framily #GratefulHeart #Rainbows #kidsNeedSupport #RainbowsKid

Elizabeth Long