Morning Mindfulness
Wow grief can really take a person down 😅 I’m so grateful for friends, family and an amazing community that sneaks up on me with love.
Our lives have been completely turned upside down and we have so many changes coming up and have no idea what our future looks like. Which, if we have learned anything from this loss it’s that no one really knows what their future looks like. In this situation, it’s easy to not live in the moment right here and right now. It’s easy to have your mind spin and run away from you and go to fear... BUT I know that God’s playground isn’t lack, limitation and fear.
So, MINDFULNESS is something I work on daily, staying in the moment and not missing one minute of it.
This morning I was acutely aware of the gift of being able to take my girls to school each day. I paid close attention to the sound of their voices, the way the sun filled our car and bounced off their faces, the sound of their big winter coats on the leather, the conversations about the day, seeing Maddie gaze in thought out the widow, the smell of toothpaste on everyone’s mouth, and even the sound of her breathing behind me. What I have learned is that when I can be fully present and “connected”, then I’m not in fear, instead I’m in the complete opposite... I’m in love ❤️
And I am #Grateful
Try this today, try to be fully present and aware of the very second you’re in as you move about your day. Not the past, not the future just the very moment you have in front of you.
#GratefulHeart #SweetNoodles #Love #One #MissingMichael #WidowsWords#Peace #Sunlight #Rainbow