Our Love Story Continues

OUR LOVE STORY continues....yesterday we came home to our house filled with love and decorated for V day by my sweet friend Maggie Meiners who is a part of our love story 💕 it’s absolutely magical in here ❤️
Lily said the other night, after she flipped her hair back and rested her chin in her hand, elbow on the table, “Mom, do you think you will ever find love again? Not how Michael loved you because he loved you like crazy, but what do you think?”
I LOVE this kid, my little teacher, my little challenger... this kid pushes me to grow. 
I took a deep breathe in and out...
“Well Lily, the thing is that we still have a love story going, it just looks a little bit different. The problem is that so many of us look for a love story between a man and a woman... and if you only look there you’ll miss all the other love that we can except and then give back. Our love story is going full force, with our neighbors, our friends, our community. All of the people who have shown up for us or sent us love and prayers... our love story continues and it’s beautiful.
It also continues between Michael and I... just not physically but a love this strong doesn’t die with the body Lil... ❤️”
Today we have been showered with love, it’s touched my heart so deeply. Sweatshirts made by Francesca Paterno!!, gifts from Gigi's Closette and Charlie, lunch and gifts from Jen Adams Clark, flowers from my siblings and so many love notes on FB. Thank you friends, thank you 🙏🏼 
#OurLoveStory #GratefulHeart #SpoiledButNotRotten #ValentinesDay #Love#One #MissingMichael #Grateful #WidowsWords #Peace

Elizabeth Long