Unconditional Love

These two had an incredible bond ❤️

Lily recognized the beauty of experiencing Michael’s unconditional love early on in their relationship. Michael had an incredible way of fully supporting Lily and who she is, without undermining my parenting or her father… it’s a delicate balance. Being a step-parent can be a difficult role but it was one Michael navigated with grace and love. One thing I decided when I got divorced is that the more love that can be poured into our girls, no matter the source, the better humans they will be. That I wanted and hoped for their Dad to find happiness and whoever that brought into their lives (stepmom, siblings, more grandparents), I would celebrate that and welcome. My ex-husband fully recognized that Michael loved them, he was cordial and welcoming to Michael at their extracurricular events and Michael was a part of our world with our daughters. That allowed our girls space to form a bond with Michael, someone their mother loved so deeply. What a gift to have another human being in your world to love you unconditionally.


Shortly after Michael’s passing, Lily said “Michael loved me exactly as I am.”

A simple and profound statement. Not everyone loves us simply as we are, most people, especially from a child’s perspective, are giving you feedback, coaching, parenting, consequences….

For a child who has a free spirit, takes counter positions, is creative (sees multiple paths) and has a rebellious personality (wonder where she get that from?), space, grace and unconditional love is not always what you experience from adults.

Recently Lily articulated what I think so many of us feel “If I knew it would be the last time I would see his face, I would have looked so hard at his face Mom. So. Hard.” 😢

If you’re lucky enough to lay eyes on your loved ones today, and frankly even the ones you think you don’t love.... look hard, find gratitude there, and love the hell out of them.

#SweetLily #MichaelAndLilLily
#WidowsWords #GratefulHeart #Love #MissingMichael #Grace#UnconditionalLove #RightHereRightNow #Mindfulness #Grief #BonusDad#SuddenLoss

Elizabeth Long