
PSA - “Cralk” or “cralking” (cry/talk) - I do a lot of this these days.  
Definition: talking that turns into crying whilst still talking and the person keeps going until it turns back into talking.
So, when we run into each other at the grocery store, school, Starbucks or Walgreens, don’t be alarmed, just bear with me.... listen to my words, feel my energy and focus on my love for you. Thank you for asking how I’m doing, about the kids, or Michael and the dog and know this is just how I’m communicating now as I heal, learn and grow... and eventually I’ll teach what I’m learning. 
So when you see me cralking, you didn’t make me cry, remember that I lost the love of my life and although I carry his love with me everywhere and I know all too well that he is not gone... my earth suit misses his earth suit 🙂
I still crave to physically see him and feel his embrace with my whole body.  
You can ask me about him. You can ask how we are doing. You don’t have to pretend it didn’t happen or try to make it better or take it away from me. 
And don’t let my cralking alarm you 😘
It’s just how I’m communicating these days, not forever. 
#CralkingIsCool #WidowCommunication #DontBeAlarmed#YouDidntMakeMeCry #LoveIsLoveIsLove #OurBigBeautifulLife #Eternal

Elizabeth Long