Michael is the epitome of a gentleman, by definition yes he is chivalrous, courteous, and honorable man, but he is also a gentle man. His capacity to love and love deeply was something I dove head first into and reciprocated. And he received wholeheartedly.
As we went on in our relationship he expressed, stealing this from sweet Maddie, how good it feels to be loved.
Michael would say to me “you are smart, you are witty, you’re clever with a sense of humor that makes me cry, and you are beautiful... with a mouth like a truck driver.” And he would shake his head and smile. Once he got used to it he would say it was #10,679 of things that he loved about me.
In 2017 we were in Austin for a work conference for him and we took the afternoon to bike the town. We were walking in and out of the local shops and we fit right in keeping Austin “weird”.
I walked into a shop and found this gem 😀
I snuck it to the counter and paid for it and threw it in my purse.
I gave it to him as a gift on Christmas Eve 2017 and he let out his amazing laugh, his blue eyes twinkling and said “this is perfect and I fuckin love you too”.
After Michael passed away we were going through his work bag that he carried with him everywhere, every day. His sister came out laughing with this in her hand.
He carried it with him daily...
A little reminder of the smart, funny, pretty and vulgar girl that loved him with all my heart and a reminder to him that he is loved.
What we say impacts people, vulnerability sticks, are you sharing love?
Today is Friday.
A perfect day to tell someone you fuckin love them.
A partner, friend, child, coworker, boss who has impacted you, mentor, mail carrier, barista, neighbor,
Post in the comments after you have told someone and tell me who you told and why.
Let’s share our love stories 💕
#IFuckinLoveYou #GratefulHeart #Vulnerability #LifeIsShort #SayIt #ShareLove#ExtendLove #MissingMichael #SharingLoveStories#LoveTheHellOutOfPeople #IFLY