No Shame

I am not posting this to brag, to get a pat on the back or a “congratulations”.  
The purpose of this post is to encourage others to embrace and love all parts of your journey, without SHAME. Each part of my journey (the good, the bad, the ugly and the really ugly) has shaped who I am today and I am proud of who I am and I know Michael is too. I have learned to really love myself... enough to accept the unconditional love of an extraordinary man, to show up wholeheartedly in meaningful friendships with women who know my whole soul, and to connect with strangers and see right through their perceived darkness and insecurities to their true light and essence where I can only love them.  
I AM also posting this to remind all of us that we are not defined by judgements, labels, titles, mistakes, or even our accomplishments. 
I AM, WE ARE... love, light, safe, loved and whole... just simply walking each other home. 
Today I celebrate 7 years of sobriety, without shame. 
“Shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our lives: secrecy, silence, and judgment.” - Brene Brown 
I have someone in my life who often threatens to tell people about this part of my journey, which is not something I hide, but this post will take away her “perceived power”. I don’t have any shame about who I am. I pray this encourages you to remove shame and to dare greatly to love yourself without hiding a piece of you❤️.  #NoShame
#ThisIsMe #WhoAreYou #LiveInTheLight #WeAreBornToShine #Rainbows#ThankYouCandyGibson #Healing #Love #One #MissingMichael

Elizabeth Long